Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Christmas morning 2007! What a beautiful day. Austin let us sleep until 8am. That was our Christmas present. He was so excited to see the beautiful red bike that Santa left for him. Here's a link to the video of him riding his New Bike for the first time.
He's super anxious for us to take the training wheels off but that will have to wait until he practices a little on his old bike. We are taking him to the big greenbelt down the street so that all the falling that will happen can be on grass. I have my band aids and kisses ready.
He also got a TON of Hot Wheels. He and Darryl have been doing some serious bonding over them. Darryl picked up a case of his old Hot Wheels from when he was a kid from his Mom's. It is a beautiful thing to watch.
We have had a very full week and hope that today will be nice and quiet.
On Thursday the 20th we met Mimi and Papa and Aunt Carrie to go looking at Christmas Lights on Cherry St. They always have such beautiful displays.
Saturday we had our big family get together at Laurel's new house. What a beautiful home! It was a wonderful evening with family, food and a tornado of kids plowing through wrapping paper. Everyone had a wonderful time. Thanks again to Laurel and Barb for hosting such a nice evening.
Sunday we went to Mimi and Papa's for dinner with Uncle Rod and Danielle and Maci. Austin and Maci had a wonderful time playing ball and coloring with chalk. Austin received a wonderful Cowboy Dress-up costume from Aunt Danielle. He LOVED it! Uncle Rod knew just what to get when he picked out the Hot Wheels Race Track. It's a Hot Wheels year.

Christmas Eve we hosted Mimi, Papa, Aunt Carrie and Grandma Shirley. It was a lovely evening with good food and another flurry of presents. Austin is one loved kid.
We set out some cookies and milk for Santa. When Austin woke up this morning he found his new bike, some half eaten cookies, an empty milk glass and a thank you note from Santa written on the art easel that Austin received from Aunt Carrie. He was impressed!

Darryl has to work tonight and we will be going to Mom & Dad's this evening. Austin gets to spend the night because his school is closed for the week.
I am working as much as I can these days. That's not a lot lately. With only 3 weeks to go, as of tomorrow, I am pretty uncomfortable most of the time. I am almost to the point that I had delivered Austin, 3 more days. I really don't look forward to these last weeks. Sleep is interrupted every hour with bathroom breaks, a stretching baby and indigestion attacks.

Well, this has turned into quite a book so I will end now with some pictures we have taken recently. Enjoy...

Austin (and I) created a Playdough frog with his Christmas present from Aunt Jaime.

Austin has to be in every Picture!!
Click here for a Cute Frog Video

More Hot Wheels!!

Now remember, I am 8 Months Pregnant! I'm supposed to be swollen!

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