Tuesday, December 4, 2007

34 weeks

An eventful week. Last Tuesday I got to spend a few hours in the Banner Desert Triage. I was having a lot more contractions than normal and Evan was not moving like he should. The hospital did a Biophysical Profile to test for some specific things like, Movement, Fluid, Heartbeat and Practice Breathing. He did well on everything except the Practice Breathing. The contractions slowed down and he went back to his normal busy self that night but Dr. Seymann wanted me back to repeat the test today. Evan got a perfect score. And, I got some more really great pictures of him. The newest one is the top one on the right side of this page. Doesn't he look just like Austin! That nose is unmistakable.
I seem to be doing great with everything else, blood pressure is perfect, very little swelling in my fingers but none in my ankles or feet. My weight is, well, appropriate for my condition.
Austin is suffering from a cold right now and he was kind enough to share it with me. I am anxious to get rid of our cough and runny noses.
Sunday is his school Christmas performance. I have to pick up a little suit for him, he'll look so sharp! I promise to get some pictures posted afterward.
Darryl is home for the week. He is taking some much needed and deserved vacation time and we are enjoying spending it with him.
More later!

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