Tuesday, August 12, 2008

End of the first day

Hooray! Austin loves school. He was so excited when he got out that we couldn't get an understandable word out of him. His favorite part is recess, go figure. He also liked to play at the water tables and lunch time.
His teacher, Mrs. W, seems to have a handle on them. He was looking forward to going back today.
Here are the rest of the pictures from after school.

They all stand in line waiting for their parents vehicles to get to the front of the line. Austin is wearing a sign around his neck that says "Car Kid" so that they know he waits to be picked up instead of riding the bus.

Here we are in the van. Look at that big smile! We were one happy family. Mommy, Daddy and Evan all got naps while Austin was in school. Darryl and I joked that school will probably extend Austins life by about 75 years or so.

What did I tell you? OK, I was off by one scribble. He colored four spots, not three. And the numbers on the bottom right were Austin's attempt to write Daddy's age, he just inverted the digits. Daddy won't mind, right?

This one was the kicker. The red is Austin's actual hand print. The poem started my tears again by the second paragraph. I have to get a rubbermaid bin to start storing all these mementos.

Like I said, Austin was excited to go this morning. He even woke up on his own. We got to school early enough for him to play on the playground. Kinda makes me wonder why I spent all that money on the good school clothes...


Monday, August 11, 2008

First day of Kindergarten!

Austin did so well, he didn't cry at all. And I managed to wait until I left his room before I started.
Mrs. W seemed a little frazzled, but 25 new 5 year olds trying to vie for her attention would make anyone crazy!
I documented the morning with pictures. I will update after we pick him up.

The alarm goes off at 6:30 and I actually make it out of bed by 6:33. This will not be a regular occurrence.

My sweet baby, still sleeping. I sang the "Good Morning" song to him to wake him up.

He just loves it when I sing him awake. As he gets older, he will realize just how badly Momma sings, so for now I will cherish his admiration.

Breakfast is a waffle and yogurt. Key Lime yogurt. He learned to like that flavor at Mimi and Papa's. I packed his lunch last night. Turkey sandwich, cheddar cheese squares, applesauce, Capri Sun and Jello for dessert. Oh, I just realized I forgot a spoon! Oops.

Washing hands after breakfast.

Brushing teeth...

Still Brushing...

He is very thorough!


... and Spit, Done!

My tough guy got a tattoo to commemorate the occasion.

All dressed in his new school only clothes. So Handsome!

Packpack on and ready to go!

Now we are using the good camera, instead of mommy's cell phone!

Is it me or does he look slightly apprehensive?

This is Austin's seat in his classroom. I will probably get that coloring sheet back with three scribbles and his name. He's not super into coloring these days.
Mrs. W said to say goodbye and blow kisses to Mommy's and Daddy's. He did that with ease. This was exactly 7 seconds before my waterworks started. I did make it out the door first.
And of course, we can't put up a spread without Evan. Happy man had his blueberry apple oat something and loved every gooey bite!

OK, I will add more pictures after we pick him up. I hope you enjoied them!!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Ouch! Has it really been that long since I posted?

No wonder you guys have been giving me heck. Here it is, cliff notes style.
Evan finally broke his first teeth a couple of days ago. The bottom two. I would have taken a picture but you really can't see anything yet. And, so far, I can't feel anything when he nurses. Pray with me that it stays that way.
Austin and I did his school shopping last week and he got some beautiful new clothes. He'll be the sharpest guy in kindergarten. He is so excited about going to "big boy school". We get to go meet his teacher on Thursday and school starts on Monday the 11th. Darryl is taking the week off so we can make it really special for him. Also on the priority list is an afternoon nap for me. It's a Win/Win situation.
I feel so unprepared for this. It's like I don't even know what to expect. I am I really supposed to just throw him at the playground at 7:45am and go home? How will he know where to go? What about lunch, should I pack or let him buy a school lunch? Where do I pick him up.
I'm beginning to feel like a basket case!
I hope his teacher is very patient and understanding...with me.
Darryl has been working his tail off lately, and it is paying off too. He and Tio are really a great team. I am so proud of them.
I am also working my butt off, literally. I honestly don't know exactly how much weight I have lost, but all of my pre-baby clothes are to big. Yeah!! Breastfeeding is a miracle.
My jewelry business has been growing steadily, than you to all my family!
I have some really beautiful jewelry and I love to wear it. It makes me feel pretty and happy.

OK, I know what you are really interested in so here are the pictures:

Click Here for more pictures...

Click Here for a video of Evan

Thanks for keeping me honest.