Sunday, May 20, 2007

Austin's turning 4? Already!

Yes, it is true. Austin will be 4 years old in little more than a week. We are a little behind on getting his party together. I will be sending out formal evites today. We will be celebrating on Saturday June 2nd at Peter Piper Pizza on Power Rd.
He is so anxious for his Spiderman theme. I guess that means we'll be looking for a Spiderman costume this week.
I hope to see you all then.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I think I'm figuring out this blogger thing. I'll keep adding pics as I go.

All kinds of things are starting to come back to me, like pure exhaustion. I didn't really remember how tired this baby growing was. I'm gonna have to make sure that Austin starts to take naps again soon, or I'm in trouble.

Austin isn't totally sure what all this new baby business is about. He is either asking to see the baby or talking about how it means that it will be his birthday. Which is coming up. He'll be 4 on the 3rd. We are still planning the logistics of it but the party will probably be on Saturday the 3rd or Sunday the 4th at PPP.
I can't wait to be able to show him pictures.
Darn! I just realized there are some people I can't send this too yet because we'll be telling them about the baby on Friday. That's OK.
I think we've told just about everyone except the bible study, I just can't keep it to myself.
I'm sure they will all forgive me on Friday.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

What more could we ask for?

As you have all heard by now, the McKinney's are moving again. At one week this news now takes a backseat to our most recent update... We're having another baby! What a wonderful Mothers Day present to see that stick turn blue. It may be a month or so ahead of our schedule but who knows best after all? God does!
I'll be getting into the doctor next week but my prediction is that my due date will be January 13th. We'll see how close I am.
As you can guess, Momma is THRILLED! I think she's going to explode with this news.
Now we just have to pack, close a sale, close a purchase, paint and floor, move and unpack. All in the next month.
We are crazy aren't we.
On top of it all, Austin will turn 4 in less than 3 weeks. My baby isn't a baby anymore.
OK, gotta go pee and get to bed. More later..